White kitty cat cupcakes

White cat cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; shaved coconut; marshmallow; 2 blue mini M&Ms; chocolate sprinkles; pink jellybean; kitchen shears or scissors.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Sprinkle with coconut. Cut marshmallow in half, width-wise. Pinch one piece slightly to make point at end. Trim part of wide end off so the ear is shorter and more triangular. Dip sticky side in chocolate sprinkles. Repeat for other marshmallow half and place both ears near top of cupcake as shown. Add M&M eyes and jellybean nose. Select six longish chocolate sprinkles and place three on each side of nose for whiskers.
Tags: cat cupcakes, cupcakes, kitty cupcakes, white cupcakes
September 13th, 2011 at 7:24 am
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