Posts Tagged ‘Lincoln’s Birthday’

Lincoln penny cupcakes for President’s Day

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Lincoln penny cupcake
If you’re as lucky as us, you’ll walk into a candy store one day and find a chocolate, foil-wrapped Lincoln penny. And, at, when life hands us chocolate Lincoln pennies, we make cupcakes.
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); white frosting; large red and blue star sprinkles; foil-wrapped chocolate Lincoln penny; pastry bag and 1M star tip.
How to Make It: Fit pastry bag with 1M star tip and fill bag halfway with white frosting. While squeezing out icing, move arm in a circular motion and cover the top of the cupcake with a swirl of icing. Then, starting a little bit in from the edge this time, make a second swirl on top of the first one. Place coin in swirl and add stars.

Log cabin cupcakes

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

log cabin cupcake
What better way to celebrate Presidents’ Day and honor the United States’ 16th president than with tasty log cabin cupcakes? That’s right: even features cupcakes for Lincoln’s Birthday. And not just one cupcake design either. Oh, and if George Washington is your favorite, we have the cupcake for you coming up soon.
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); green frosting; slim stick pretzels; white writing icing or white icing in pastry bag with medium round tip (we used #5).
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Immediately arrange pretzels in log cabin shape, breaking pieces to form room and chimney. Pipe white door and window. Have fun; be creative.