Posts Tagged ‘fish cupcakes’

Fishbowl cupcakes

Friday, November 14th, 2008
Fish bowl cupcake

Fish bowl cupcake

It’s the first ever “guest cupcakes” post on! Emily K. and her kids had a blast making and decorating these fishbowl-themed cupcakes. Thanks for sharing them, Emily!

What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; frosting tinted blue; gummi fish (Swedish fish); Nerds candies; green fruit rolls; scissors or butter knife.

How to Make It: Frost cupcake with a thin layer of white icing. Let dry for a bit. Frost all but about a half-inch area at the top of the cupcake with blue icing so it looks like water in a bowl. Put a bunch of colorful Nerds candies near the bottom of the “bowl” for gravel. Cut fruit roll into long pieces like aquarium plants, folding some over at the top. Add your fish!

Cute fish cupcakes

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

These cute fish cupcakes owe their open mouths to O-shaped Life Savers candies!
fish cupcakes
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); white or off-white frosting; orange paste-style food coloring or red and yellow liquid food coloring; 3 mini candied orange slices; two blue M&Ms; 1 Life Saver.
Make That Cupcake!: Tint frosting orange (or actually any color you’d like your fish to be). Add three candied orange slices at sides and back of cupcake for fins and tail. Add blue M&Ms (upside down) for eyes and Life Saver candy for mouth. Create a whole school of these fish for a swim party!