Paw cupcakes
December 30th, 2009
Paw cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; 1 mint patty (such as Necco); 3 Junior Mints.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Arrange 3 Junior Mints above large mint.
Paw cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; 1 mint patty (such as Necco); 3 Junior Mints.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Arrange 3 Junior Mints above large mint.
Lollypop flower cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; green sugar; 2 Dum Dums (or other round) lollipops; green Airheads or other moldable candy (or cut up green gum or gumdrops).
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Sprinkle with green sugar for grass. Stick two unwrapped lollipops or suckers, staggered, in top of cupcake. With clean hands or gloves, mold Airheads into leaf shapes (pointy ovals) and place near bottom of flowers.
Candy cane swirl cupcake
Stick a candy cane into a swirl-topped cupcake and sprinkle with chocolate and it looks a lot like the whipped cream on top of holiday hot chocolate!
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white or off-white frosting; chocolate jimmies; mini candy cane; pastry bag and 1M swirl tip.
How to Make It: Make 1M swirl. Immediately sprinkle with chocolate jimmies. Add candy cane. That’s it!
Starlight mint cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; red and green mini M&Ms; Starlight mint (the peppermint ones that taste like candy canes, or the green ones).
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Unwrap mint and place in center of cupcake. Add M&Ms around the edge, upside down, alternating red and green.
Hanukkah sprinkles cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; chocolate frosting; Star of David sprinkles.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Sprinkle with Hanukkah sprinkles!
Chanukah candle cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; blue frosting in pastry bag with #3 metal tip (or use premade icing in tube); yellow tear-shaped candies (these are sour “Cry Babies,” found at a mall candy store bulk bin.)
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Squeeze pastry bag or tube and move tip rapidly back and forth along 3/4 of the height of the cupcake as shown to form candle shape. Top with upside-down teardrop candy for flame.
Blue Star of David cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white or vanilla frosting; blue sugar sprinkles; Star of David edible topper (I got mine from Kake Kreations); 1M metal tip; pasty bag.
How to Make It: Fit pastry bag with 1M swirl tip, and make a 1M swirl. Immediately sprinkle with blue sugar and top with Star of David.