July 31st, 2009

Coconut lion cupcake
Toasted coconut provides the perfect texture for this lion cupcake. Make some for your next zoo or jungle party!
What You Need: 1 cupcake; yellow frosting; shredded coconut; 2 large yellow M&Ms; small pink candy; 2 brown mini M&Ms; black string licorice; scissors or knife.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Toast coconut (5-10 minutes in 350-degree oven). Once cooled, sprinkled coconut around perimeter of cupcake for mane. Add candy muzzle, nose and eyes. Cut licorice into four equal lengths for whiskers.
Tags: coconut cupcakes, cupcakes, jungle cupcakes, lion cupcakes, zoo cupcakes
Posted in animal cupcakes | No Comments »
July 28th, 2009

Island cupcakes
It’s 105 degrees where I live, so the thought of the beach sounds refreshing. I’d even go for a tropical island, if it came with a cool ocean breeze. These cupcakes are perfect for a beach party, Hawaiian luau or birthday party.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white or off-white frosting; toast coconut flakes; 2 banana candies (such as Runts); black food-safe marker; paper umbrella.
How to Make Them: Toast coconut by spreading on cookie sheet and baking in 350-degree oven for 5 to 10 minutes (be careful not to overcook!). Let cool. Frost cupcake. Use black food-safe marker to draw black lines and spots on bananas (optional). Sprinkle cupcake with coconut. Add bananas and umbrella.
Tags: beach cupcakes, coconut cupcakes, cupcakes, Hawaiian cupcakes, toasted coconut
Posted in food cupcakes, summer cupcakes | No Comments »
July 24th, 2009

Ladybugs on grass cupcake
Use food-safe pens to draw the spots on these M&M ladybugs and place them on piped grass!
What You Need: 1 cupcake; frosting tinted green; pastry bag and metal tip #233; large red M&Ms (such as mint or peanut butter variety); black food-safe pen.
How to Make It: Lightly frost cupcake green (optional). Use pastry bag and metal tip to pipe a lot of green grass. Use pen to draw dots and half-circle on M&Ms for ladybugs. Place ladybugs on grass.
Tags: cupcakes, grass cupcakes, ladybug cupcakes, tip 233
Posted in bug and spider cupcakes | No Comments »
July 21st, 2009

Brown bear cupcake
Make a cute bear with a few candies and some Cocoa Puffs cereal!
What You Need: 1 cupcake; chocolate frosting; 2 black M&Ms; 1 blackberry candy; 6 Cocoa Puffs.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Arrange 3 Cocoa Puffs on each side of top of cupcake for ears. Add M&M eyes and berry nose.
Tags: bear cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes, cupcakes
Posted in animal cupcakes | No Comments »
July 10th, 2009

Smile cupcake
So simple, yet they still make a statement. Turn the mouth up more for a more-traditional smiley, or even include sad faces if you’re so inclined.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; yellow frosting; black M&Ms; black licorice strings (or black writing icing).
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Add eyes and mouth. That’s it!
Tags: cupcakes, smile cupcakes, smiley face, smiley face cupcakes, yellow cupcakes
Posted in character cupcakes, social or political cause cupcakes | No Comments »
July 6th, 2009

Sports ball cupcake
Have a sports fan in the household? Foil-wrapped chocolate balls make for quick, easy cupcakes whether you’re into soccer, football, basketball or baseball. Also great for team sports events.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; chocolate sprinkles; foil-wrapped chocolate sports balls.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Add chocolate sprinkles. Stack foil-wrapped balls, using frosting to stick together if necessary.
Tags: baseball cupcakes, basketball cupcakes, cupcakes, football cupcakes, soccer cupcakes, sports cupcakes
Posted in Father's Day cupcakes, sports cupcakes | No Comments »
July 3rd, 2009

Watermelon cupcake
For any summer party, including Fourth of July festivities, consider these easy, somewhat abstract watermelon cupcakes. The “seeds” are chocolate sprinkles!
What You Need: 1 cupcake; green cupcake liner; frosting tinted green; white frosting; red sugar sprinkles; chocolate sprinkles.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake green. Drop and spread a dollop of white frosting to about half an inch from the edge. Sprinkle with red sugar, almost to edge of white. Add chocolate sprinkles for watermelon seeds.
Tags: cupcakes, Fourth of July cupcakes, summer cupcakes, watermelon cupcakes
Posted in food cupcakes, Fourth of July patriotic cupcakes, summer cupcakes | No Comments »