Archive for the ‘nature cupcakes’ Category

Arbor Day cupcakes

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Apple tree cupcake

Apple tree cupcake

Arbor Day is coming up (in 2009 it’s April 24), and after you plant a tree you can plant an apple tree cupcake in your belly. Also great for Earth Day, Johnny Appleseed celebrations or anytime, these cupcakes are easy and fun.

What You Need: 1 cupcake; light green frosting; green gel icing in tube; red mini M&Ms. (You could use red hots instead, but the colors tend to run after awhile.)

How to Make It: Frost cupcake. Draw tree shape using gel icing. Add upside-down M&Ms for apples on the tree and ground.

Moon cupcakes

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

moon cupcake for lunar eclipse
February 21, 2008 is the night of a total lunar eclipse, and if you’re planning a big eclipse party, these cupcakes will surely “eclipse” all the other treats. If you’re reading this post-eclipse, not to worry. These cupcakes would be great for any sky-themed or solstice party. And don’t limit yourself to the shape shown. You could do a whole cupcake series featuring the phases of the moon.
What You Need: 1 cupcake; white frosting; blue sugar sprinkles (or just use blue-tinted or chocolate frosting); yellow fondant, rolling pin; circle-shaped cutter; spatula or other tool to cut moon shape.
How to Make It: Frost cupcake and add sprinkles. Roll out yellow fondant. Cut out circle. Then use circle cutter or spatula to cut out part of the moon. If you don’t have fondant, try rolling out a yellow gumdrop or use fruit rolls.

Sun cupcakes

Friday, November 9th, 2007

Bring a bit of sunshine to your cupcakes with this easy design using candy corn (Hit those after-Halloween sales now!)
sunshine cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); white or off-white frosting; yellow paste or liquid food coloring; candy corn; 2 chocolate chips; bit of red licorice (or use red writing icing.)
Make That Cupcake!: Tint icing yellow and frost cupcake. Arrange candy corn, pointy end out, around edge of cupcake for sun’s rays. Place 2 chocolate chips for eyes and add a licorice smile.