Archive for November, 2007

Music note cupcakes

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

These easy musical note cupcakes would be perfect for a recital, band fund-raiser or other event. Make different notes (quarter, eighth, etc.) for variety!
music note cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); white frosting; Junior Mint or similar candies; black writing icing.
Make That Cupcake!: Frost cupcake white. Place Junior Mint in lower one-third of cupcake top. Use writing icing to draw in the stem (and flag if you want) of the note. Now, rest! (Or take it at the coda and make more.)

Thanksgiving turkey cupcakes

Monday, November 5th, 2007

Use this turkey as inspiration for your own cupcake design. We used Fruit Roll-ups brand “Stackers” and craft sticks for the feathers; you could try fruit leather and toothpicks, or fondant and bamboo skewers, or whatever you have on hand.
Thanksgiving turkey cupcake
What You Need: 1 cupcake (baked and cooled); chocolate frosting; circus peanut; bit of red fruit roll (for wattle); candy eyes (or just use black writing icing); thin craft sticks or skewers; Fruit Roll-ups Stackers.
Make That Cupcake!: Frost cupcake with chocolate icing. Using dabs of icing, stick candy eyes to top of circus peanut. Using clean scissors or knife, cut fruit roll into shape of turkey wattle and stick to bottom end of circus peanut and place peanut on cupcake. Stack Stackers on top of each other with craft stick or skewer between them. When you have as many as you’d like, stick them into cupcake for feathers.